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Payment Update
Altug Guzeloglu avatar
Written by Altug Guzeloglu
Updated over a week ago

In some cases, it may be necessary to modify the information entered regarding a payment. Examples include entering the wrong payment amount, needing to change the payment date, or errors in the entry of the doctor or patient in the system.

To make changes to a payment, we first need to access the relevant payment. To start, navigate to the payments section from the patient profile or the patients tab. Then, hover over the payment transaction that needs modification. Next, click on the icon resembling a notepad and pen, as shown in the image below.

In the opened interface:

You can change the information by clicking on the relevant sections with the following details:

  • Patient Name

  • Related Physician

  • Payment Type

  • Amount

  • Description

  • Payment Date

With the new data entered, our screen will look as follows.

After completing all the changes, click the "Update" button to successfully finish the payment update process.

When you press the Update button, you can see a summary of the changes on the payment screen.

For more information about updating payments, you can check out our other articles. If your issue is not resolved, you can contact our team through the live chat button for detailed assistance.

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