๐ New Feature: Appointment Notifications on Mobile
Doctors will now receive notifications on their phones for notes added to appointments.
This feature has significantly improved communication between receptionists and doctors, reducing the need for walkie-talkie usage.
๐ New Feature: Treatment Planning and Payments in Different Currencies
You can now create treatment plans and add payments in multiple currencies within the same treatment plan.
Fix exchange rates for plans and payments
Assign any currency to plans and payments
Quickly switch between currencies
For example, a treatment with 1800 USD + 638 TRY can be finalized as 1835 USD. The payment of 1835 USD was entered as 33,495.72 TRY, clearing the patientโs balance in TRY and reflecting the patient as debt-free in reports.
๐ New Feature: Mobile Activity Stream
The activity stream has been added to the mobile homepage, allowing you to monitor your clinic's activities from your phone.
๐ New Feature: Edit Patient Information on Mobile
Patient information can now be edited and updated directly through the mobile app.
๐ New Feature: Completed Treatment Report on Mobile
You can now view reports of completed treatments directly from the mobile app.
๐ New Feature: Patient Notes on Mobile
The ability to add and manage patient notes has been added to the mobile app.
๐ New Feature: Task Notifications on Mobile
When a task is assigned, the responsible person will receive a notification on their phone.
๐งฉ Improvement: Treatment Lists
The number of treatment lists that can be added has been increased to 10.
๐งฉ Improvement: Dates in Notes
The year has been added to the dates in the notes section for better clarity.
๐งฉ Improvement: Doctor Commission Table
A detailed section has been added to the doctor commission table, showing the transaction items for the selected date range.
๐งฉ Improvement: Payment Page
Clinic information has been added to the print section on the payment page.
๐ Fix: KVKK Form
The display issue with the approval time on the KVKK form has been fixed.
๐ Fix: Activity Stream
The issue where different currency types were not displayed in payments within the activity stream has been resolved, and all currency types are now correctly shown.