The treatment conversion rate is calculated based on the completion of treatments planned by doctors. To access this report, go to the Reports page and click on the "End of Day Report" section in the top right corner. From the pop-up window, select the "Treatment Conversion Rate" report to receive a report covering one month.
You can change the report dates as you wish from the top left corner.
The treatment plan is specifically prepared for each patient and may not be fully completed. This report provides the ratio of planned treatments to the actual treatment items performed by doctors.
For example, if a doctor has prepared different plans with a total of 10 separate treatment items and only 2 of them have been completed, the doctor's implementation rate will be 20%. This ratio is displayed as a percentage of the completed treatments.
The applied treatment amount is calculated based on the ratio of the total amount of completed treatments to the total amount of planned treatments.
For example, if a doctor has planned a treatment consisting of 1,000 TL for fillings and 3,000 TL for implants, and only the implant procedure has been completed, the applied treatment amount will be 75% (3,000/4,000). However, if we look at it item by item, only one of the two planned procedures has been carried out. Therefore, the applied treatment ratio will be 50%. By comparing these two ratios, we can understand whether doctors are performing more expensive treatments or not.
If you want to view the report for a specific doctor rather than all doctors, click on the "All Doctors" section on the left side. You can then select individual doctors. After making your selections, your report will be created.
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